Posted on 27 October, 2008
A spokesperson for Workforce Extensions said “it is really difficult for young enthused young people to get work over the holidays, recruitment companies only open during the week and this makes it difficult for young people to have the opportunity to register. When school has finished for the year and they are available for interviews a lot of the positions can already be taken. This way everyone has a fair chance”.
In a recent BHW study it was reported the positive affect of students working over the school breaks or part-time.
Findings were as follows:
– Students were able to learn the value of money
– It gave them a sense of identity
– Beneficial interaction with different kinds people and environments.
– It gave them a sense of responsibility
– Students felt more confident.
– there was a higher retention rate of students finishing their university courses.
Workforce Extensions has recently formed an association between the Ringwood and Monbulk business and also now has an office in Lilydale, where the interviews will take place on the 8th of November.
Workforce Extensions also has a large number of roles available now for both unskilled and experienced candidates. If you are interested send your resume or expressions of interest to